Rout Splitter
version 1.0


What is it ?

This is the dumbest machine ever. It simply converts mono signal to stereo signal. You know, sometimes you want to use a slightly different filter combination on each channel... Now, this machine does the split, quick and clean.


version 1.0 (01.11.99)
First release... And probably the only one.


Mathieu Routhier (
web page:

This is DONATIONWARE. If you have so much money you don't know what to do with, or if you simply want to be kind, you can send us any amount of money (or anything else you think we'd like to have) to either one of the following addresses. Thank you.

Mathieu Routhier
3431 de la dauversiΦre
Ste-Foy, QuΘ
G1X 2H6